Hina matsuri dolls with flower offerings momo or food and traditional drinks like shirozake, Hina Arare, Hishi mochi. Hina Ningyo numerous and placed on a terraced staircase named Dankazari with replica furniture in the bed of cloth. Red is the color that is considered the most luxurious and beautiful addition to Harganyapun indeed high but still demand the families who have children with the hope that women can grow healthy. Lately Hina Matsuri began influenced western culture, for example with the presentation of traditional foods in addition to cake western Japan.
Hina Matsuri has very long history and became one of the traditional event which to this day still celebrated by the people of Japan. Beginning of the tradition of Hina matsuri originated since the Heian period (about 1200 years ago). As for the daughters of aristocrats adorn games doll and replica furniture made ??of paper called Hina Matsuri.
Hina Ningyo dolls is the principal ornament at the Hina Matsuri. This doll was originally made ??of grass or paper, is currently a popular doll is a plush doll and beautiful.
Hina Ningyo most preferably be nested dolls, Hina Ningyo like this has been found in the Edo period (18th century), containing an array of several human-like dolls and furniture. There are varying numbers of arrangement Hina Ningyo 3 levels, 5 levels or 7 levels. Hina Ningyo-rise 5 or 7 usually consists of a pair of male and female as the emperor and empress, 3 female companion, five musicians each have a musical instrument, the knights and three assistants.
Ningyo dolls in Japanese literally means human form there are many forms of Japanese dolls, shape children, babies, members of the royal, soldier and hero of the tale, the gods, and sometimes vicious. There are also dolls which represent the view in daily life. Many of them have a long history and still produced to this day. Generally, traditional Japanese puppet used in the temples, is given as a gift or displayed on major holidays such as Hina Matsuri or kodomo no hi.
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