More appropriate term is bushi(literally: "gunmen") used during the Edo period. However, the term used for samurai warrior elite of the nobility, and not for example, ashigaru or foot soldiers. Samurai are not bound by clan or work for an employer (daimyo) called ronin (literally: "the wave"). Samurai who served in the han-called Hanshi.
Samurai should be polite and educated, and during the Tokugawa Shogunate was gradually lost their military function. At the end of the Tokugawa era, samurai in general is a general stooge for the daimyo, with their swords only for customs purposes. With the Meiji reforms in the late 19 th century, samurai as a class distinct abolished and replaced with a national army resembles a Western country. However, the nature of the strict samurai known as bushido still present in contemporary Japanese society, as aspects of their lives the other way.
That I know about the story of Junna-san girls exchange of foreign students in FIB UNDIP. He told me if it's depiction of the samurai is clear enough in the movie The Last Samurai. In the Edo period, Japanese society applying castes. The order of castes in the Edo period samurai, farmers, artisans, and merchants, who in the Japanese-language summary is known as Nou kou shou shi, shi is from the word bushi (samurai), Nou of the word noumin (farmers), kou from kounin word or shokunin and last of the word shou shounin (traders). farmer ranks second only to the samurai class, since the Edo period, rice is a vital food with which farmers become rich compared to other castes. All castes were dependent on them with rice production. They appreciated the daimyo and samurai for its rice production.
In Japan the samurai can be called also as a hero. But my friends need to know, if Bushi in Japan are now gone.
Samurai is identical with Harakiri. Harakiri for The Samurai was suicide by piercing the chest or abdomen and his sword in turn, kept his sword driven down, right and up again, do you know why people are brave samurai? The Samurai was very devoted to culture and country, if they lose, they were ready to die. rather than live with shame, it's better to die for his country, than live enveloped in shame. Pemimin which he is also willing to fail in his head cut off by the person she chose. And the people who elected it is an honor, because it was chosen to behead the samurai.
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